Thursday, December 18, 2008

No exciting news to report :o(

We were really hoping to have some great announcement after our doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon, but we left there with an appointment card for our next weekly appointment. We had to convince the doctor to check me because we were just convinced that I had progressed since my last check thanks to all of the pains and contractions I was having over the weekend. So when she finally did, she felt as though I was only dilated to a 1 - not a 2 like Dr. Nye had thought. She just said that can happen when different people check. UGH. She even made the comment that we could have a New Year's baby which was NOT what we wanted hear. We just both looked at each other like "NO WAY." She likes things to happen naturally which is how I think they should happen too, but I'm getting a bit impatient I think! Travis is really worried that I'm going to go into labor during bad weather and he'll be at the far end of the county plowing and won't be able to get to me or the hospital in time. She did say that she won't let me go more than a week past my due date so at least we know we only have about 2 weeks left before the big day!

We were also worried about this round of antibiotics that I have to have. I tested positive for Group B Streptococcus (GBS) which can possibly be passed to the baby at birth; so I have to have 2 rounds of antibiotics through an IV the moment I go into the hospital to give birth. This also means the baby can't actually be born for 4 hours after my labor starts so that I can get both rounds in me! Now with this being my third baby - the labor could go really quickly (which would be great!) and they may not be able to get all antibiotics in me, but the chances of the baby getting sick are very small especially since he/she will be full-term. I just need to make sure that if my water breaks at home that I immediately get to the hospital so the IV can be started (yahoo for IV's). This whole process is new to me because once again, this was not something that Doc ever tested me for. Oh well - I'll survive, right??

We head back next Tuesday morning (if we're still pregnant) - watch for an update!

1 comment:

Miranda Lee Kemp said...

You should wrap a bow around yourself for Christmas... around your belly for a Christmas present to Travis!