Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Doctor's Appointment Update

We had our doctor's appointment this afternoon - nothing major to report - there's still a baby in there! The doctor simply came into the room and checked the baby's heartbeat and said it was perfectly fine. They still don't have the results of my 24-hour urine collection, but when they checked my urine today there was no protein in it so she's sure it'll come back fine. She didn't check me or anything and I guess she really doesn't do that until 39 weeks unless I've been having regular contractions or bleeding which I haven't been. We sort of wondered if she'd talk about setting a date to induce since our due date is Christmas Day. We figured she wouldn't want to be working on that day, but she made the comment that it looks like we're having a Christmas baby so I guess she doesn't plan to induce at this time! She did say to plan on the baby being around 8 1/2 pounds or so at birth which is MUCH better than 12!! We head back next Wednesday for our next weekly appointment unless I decide to visit OB again just for fun. :o)

Not much else is going on this week! Friday I head to Bloomington to have lunch with Miranda - a super good friend of mine from State Farm. I haven't seen her since our wedding so I hope I recognize her!! ;o) Saturday I think we're going to head to Blm. to finish up some shopping and then I have a dinner with all of my friends (yes, I have friends!) that night and Sunday we have a Christmas to go to at Travis' aunt's house and the kids are going with my mom to The Christmas Spectacular. So our weekend is actually pretty busy I guess!

Until next time....

1 comment:

Miranda Lee Kemp said...

Thanks for meeting me for lunch! I can't wait to do it again... and see your bundle of joy!!!