Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Camp Ondessonk

This coming Sunday Lexi leaves for church camp down in Southern Illinois near Ozark (www.ondessonk.com). She is SUPER excited and I am too, but I'm also a little nervous. She's going to be pretty far away from home! We meet the camp bus in Bloomington at 9:00 Sunday morning and she's on her own from there until she comes home the following Saturday afternoon. This year I signed her up for the all girls camp and they'll do things like horseback riding, hiking, swimming, etc. I bought her a couple of disposable cameras so hopefully she'll take some good pictures of some of the stuff she'll be doing and the friends she'll be making. If anyone would like to send her a note or a postcard, here's the address:

Lexi Ziegler
Camp Ondessonk
3760 Ondessonk Rd.
Ozark, IL 62972

1 comment:

Miranda Lee Kemp said...

Sounds like fun! Can I go with her? haha