Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Time for an update

We survived Halloween! Lexi was with her dad and Patrick was with his mom; so we trick-or-treated with Kiegan. He was Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean this year. We also were 'wild' and let him walk around a few of the nicer subdivisions this year instead of just sticking to family member's houses. So needless to say we have TONS of candy and that makes me a very happy pregnant mom!! I would post some Halloween pictures, but guess what...we never even thought to take any. :o)

Lexi has had her first Brownie meeting and I think she really enjoyed it! It sounds like they may be going to Medieval Times on the 15th and since that is Kiegan's birthday I'm thinking about also taking Kiegan and Patrick because I know both of the boys would just love it. If you don't know what Medieval Times is all about, check out the website:

Baby news: I'm 32 weeks now! We had an appt. yesterday afternoon and Dr. Nye actually measured my belly for the first time. His immediate reaction? "You are going to have a very BIG baby!" He made the comment of it being a 12 1/2 pound baby - I assume jokingly, but that's all Travis needed to hear to be a proud daddy and want to tell everybody! We have our final sonogram at 36 weeks which is when they'll be able to get a better idea of just how big the baby is and the position that it's in. Dr. Nye said that if it looks as thought the baby is really going to be as big as he thinks it's going to be then they'll offer me the option of having a c-section, but if anyone knows me at all - I'll quickly say 'no thank you'. I prefer to try to do it all naturally (no drugs, epidural, etc.) if possible - I was able to with both Lexi & Kiegan so hopefully I can with this one as well. Travis also got to thinking last night that he hopes it's a boy if it's going to be such a moose (which by the way is what he wants to name it - 'Moose' - yikes!). I have also not gained any weight since my last 2-week appointment so the doctor said that I'm doing a great job of staying on track as far as weight gain goes. I'll admit that I am getting to be very uncomfortable and my energy level is quickly going down. A part of me wishes that I could go ahead and close my daycare earlier than I'm planning because I feel bad that I don't have the energy I need to for my kids, but it's going to be hard enough not getting paid for the time I already plan to be closed! Also, my lower back is ON FIRE especially at the end of the day - turning from side-to-side during the night is extremely painful for me. I hate to complain so much b/c I really do enjoy pregnancy, but these last few weeks are going to be rough I think! I suppose if the baby is as big as the doctor thinks then it's probably hogging every bit of possible room and making me feel so uncomfortable. We have our next appointment 2 weeks from today and then we should be having our final sonogram 2 weeks after that - I know I plan to find out what the baby is (it drives me nuts not knowing!) and I think Travis is wanting to know as well. We probably won't post anything on here if we do find out because we know that a lot of people will want to just be surprised since it's so close to the end anyway, but if you want to know just ask us!!

(I usually keep my political opinions to myself, but I have to say YAY OBAMA!!! I knew he'd smash McCain and I feel a positive change is finally going to happen.)

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