That probably sounds odd and makes you wonder what the heck is wrong with me, but Lexi leaves this weekend to go to Georgia with her dad for four weeks. BOOOO. Although the two of us could probably use a break from each (we are too much alike and don't always see eye-to-eye), I don't necessarily want a FOUR WEEK break from her! Travis, on the other hand, is probably looking forward to it - dad's just don't have the patience that mom's do for pre-teens I believe. Not that my level of patience with her is all that great either, but I still think I tolerate more than he does!
Now keep in mind that down in Georgia it is HOT - like 100+ degrees every day hot - and also keep in mind that Lexi tends to be like her mother (who is a wonderful person) and prefers to wear jeans/capris over shorts! I told her that anything long is the LAST thing she's going to want to wear so off to my favorite store we went! Walmart had quite a selection of shorts, but most of them were soooo short - not my idea of what I want my 12-year old wearing. We finally found some Faded Glory Bermuda shorts for her that were $10 - perfect! Then we came across a table of tank tops for $3.50 - right on!! I told her to just pack enough clothes for two weeks because surely her step-mom would be willing to wash her clothes (????).
Her dad initially wanted her to fly BY HERSELF to Georgia and back......ummm no. Then he wanted us to drive half of the 14-hour drive to meet him.....ummmm no. Then he started to get nasty which means my lawyer gets involved! So after he was reminded that HE was the one that moved out of state, it was then explained to him that it was on his dime and his time to do the traveling and she would absolutely NOT be flying by herself. So he is now driving up here to get her and then driving her back down there. His wife's family is coming to visit that first week of August so she will then ride back home with them.
Another crazy thing is that school will be starting like a week and a half after she gets home - this summer has flown by! So we will be zipping to Walmart the week after she gets home to get school supplies (which I so LOVE shopping for!) and getting ourselves organized for the new school year. I'm hoping Lexi gets her act together for 7th grade - my sanity can't handle another year of unorganized, irresponsible, negative attitude-filled school fun! I don't understand it, I don't want to understand it - the girl NEEDS to get her act together, especially since I recently learned from a good friend of mine whose son is starting high school that by the time you hit 8th grade and you go for Freshman Orientation (or whatever it's called) that you need to have a general idea of what you would like to do with your life! That's how they decide what path you need to head down during your high school years. Lexi has been planning on being a vet and opening her own vet clinic - which is fantastic! I'm just not sure if she realizes how much schooling she'll need for that career???
I've also been in a hurry to get Lexi over her swimmer's ear before she leaves! I think we finally have it conquered after 2 rounds of the Z-Pack, numbing ear drops and medicated ear drops plus lots of Tylenol at bedtime. She had quite a time with it and it's apparently pretty painful too! I took her with me to Maddie's 18-month appt. so that Doc could check things out and he said her eardrum AND her ear canal were very infected. He had her ear irrigated which got some chunks out and unplugged it for her, but it was still very painful. From now on, she has to make sure that she dries her ear out with a blow dryer after swimming or showering.
Speaking of Maddie's 18-month appt. It went well as usual, especially since there were no shots involved! I thought for sure that she wouldn't have much of a gain - particularly in her height - from her 15-month appt. I mean seriously - wearing 4T clothes at 18 months is PLENTY big!! I was wrong though - she was 30 lbs. 13 1/4 oz. & 33 1/2 inches tall at her 15-month and three months later she's measuring in at 34 lbs. and 36 inches tall! Gee - who is she taking after?? LOL Doc also thinks I'm nuts b/c by 18-months she can do so much and I know he's always asking what she's doing now and stuff so a week before her appt. I started making a list of the sign language signs that she knows, the words that she says or tries to say and some other random stuff that she's doing. So when he asked, I warned him that he was going to think I was NUTS and proceeded to hand him this printed out list....he started cracking up and said that he was either going to give me an A+ for the day or put me in a special home! LOL Boy did he get a kick out of it - he said he's never in all his years received such a list. I told him that these days I can't rely on my brain anymore to remember things so lists are the way to go!!
Maddie has her last Kindermusik session on Saturday morning. As cute and fun as it was for her, I'm not sure I'll be signing her up for the next session. Most of what they do is what I do with the daycare kids during music time! I'd maybe consider it if it wasn't so stinkin' expensive, but I can't justify paying over $100 for a class that lasts less than a grand total of 5 hours. There will be plenty of other stuff that she can do as she gets a little older!
Kiegan is still rockin' through his sessions in Bloomington! He did finally hit a rough spot one day last week, but now this week he's been zipping right through it. So maybe he just wasn't feeling it that day. In the waiting room at Speech & Learning Connections, they have a list tacked up of suggested books to read and one of them was "Like Sound Through Water: A Mother's Journey Through Auditory Processing Disorder" so I went home and checked on to see if I could get it on my Kindle and sure enough I could! So I ordered it and read through it in no time - I could relate SO MUCH to what the mother was dealing with. The trouble the schools were giving her, the speech issues her son had, his learning issues, etc. I learned a lot from the book as well and by the end of it, I had a lot of hope for Kiegan and his future! So after reading something so serious and heavy, I'm now onto something more light-hearted from Jodi Picoult. Well, I guess I shouldn't say light-hearted considering that her topics are pretty heavy, but let's say it's something not so taxing on my ol' brain! I would recommend all of her books so far (she's the author of "My Sister's Keeper") - they are easy reads and always interesting!
Travis has his guy's night tomorrow night at the races (at first I typed "boy's night", but I guess he's more of a guy than a boy) and I plan to spend time this weekend with Lexi before she leaves. I am determined to do a better job of planning our lunches and dinners over the weekends plus get my Circle Time stuff ready for upcoming week. I have the month of July pretty much all planned out, but I still have to get stuff photocopied and ready to go.
I forgot to talk about our 4th of July weekend!! Besides Maddie's checkup Friday afternoon, we also went down to the Masching's for a cookout. I made a super yummy Ham Pasta Salad to take. The Blaetz's also joined us all because they just can't seem to get enough of us! It was so nice to relax and let the kids play....I ended up leaving early b/c Maddie was ready for bed. Saturday morning the girls & I took Joanne to pick up her motorcycle. Travis was going to bail hay and then we had plans to take the camper over to the race track, but by the time he was done it was too late so we just hooked up and took it over to the Pfaff's since were heading over there Sunday for the Pfaffapalooza. I helped Amanda get stuff ready for the party which included making some Jell-o shots! Now by the time we got set up and helped them get some stuff done around their house, we all decided to relax under the awning. After a few drinks, Amanda thought we should try the Jell-o shots to make sure they tasted ok. We ended up going through all of them!! Then Amanda started pulling out the Blue U/V Vodka or whatever it's called and making some mixed drinks with lemonade. We had so much fun and have never laughed so hard!!! Next thing we know it's 1:30 in the morning!! Sunday was spent at my aunt's house in Towanda and then back to the Pfaff's for the Pfaffapalooza. It was a good time, but nowhere near as fun as Saturday night! Monday was spent recovering and getting ready for the week.
I think that's all I've got for now! Enjoy your weekend everybody!!