Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Back to school

Lexi headed back to school yesterday although she woke up pretty sad in the morning because she wanted to stay home with me some more. I'll admit that it was nice having her home! Her face has really cleared up and only has a few bigger scabs that need to go away still. Her back and front are still pretty covered though. I guess some of the kids in her class were saying/doing stupid things to her because of how she looked. Kids can be so mean! Kiegan is still showing no signs of having the pox and I haven't had any kids in my daycare get them either, but I guess if any of them are going to then it will start to show up sometime this week or next.

We had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Everything seems to be fine....I guess....the doctor was in the room for maybe a good 3-4 minutes this time, but that was only because I had a question for her and I had to remind her that I was suppose to get my Rhogam shot at this appointment. I also had to ask her about my blood pressure because the nurse thought it was a bit high and after she looked at it, she agreed that it was border line. I have a feeling she wouldn't have even bothered looking if I hadn't brought it up. I just can't get over the difference between this doctor and my old doctor. Dr. Hable would have been checking me for swelling, asking me questions about how I was feeling and if certain things were ok, etc. - I was very spoiled by him! So anyway, because there was some confusion about my Rhogam shot, I wasn't able to get it today and have to go back another day this week. My next regular appointment is in two weeks (yep, we're already down to our two-week visits!).

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