Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome 2012!

I think that's only the second time so far that I've had to write (or type) 2012. Give it some time and I'm sure I'll slip and write 2011 at least once.....

Our New Year's Eve night out was a success! We headed over to our friends house around 6:30-6:45 I guess it was and just had a lot of fun chatting with everybody. We took our usual Busch Light, but my dear friend, Amanda, brought along some 100 proof Root Beer  Liquor for everyone to try and that stuff was DAMN GOOD! She filled a shorter glass about 1/4 of the way with the liquor and then filled it the rest of the way with Root Beer pop and it tasted just like those hard root beer candies!! My original plan was to just have one and get back to drinking my beer, but three glasses later it hit me and hit me HARD!! I was done...ready to go home....NOW. I was a pukey, hung-over mess most of Sunday morning but by late morning Travis made me a grilled cheese sandwich and I was pretty much good to go. I told him that even though that stuff was awesome I don't plan to ever drink it again! He said that I need to learn to pace myself, but I've NEVER been able to pace myself with any drink......ever. As long as one's in my hand, I'm constantly drinking it - that's why I use to be able to drink 12+ cans of Pepsi a day. If I have a drink I'm a'drinkin it! So we'll'd be the perfect drink concoction to take camping with us so maybe by the time camping season hits again I'll be ready to give it another try. :o)

Overall, a lot has been accomplished this week! We got all three of Travis' pictures hung up in our living room plus some curtains put up as well. It's looking good! The preschool room is REALLY coming along's pretty much ready for stuff to be hung on the walls. I used my video camera to do a little tour of the room and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to figure out how to put that video into a blog. I really, really need to get crackin' on my to-do list of items that I would like to make (instead of buy) such as my Circle Time chart (I have a wish list of four separate charts that I found at Lakeshore Learning, but they would cost around $180 if I bought them all! So I'm trying to pick and choose the parts of each that I want the most and am hoping to combine them into one homemade chart - good luck to me!), flannel board, bingo dobbers, geoboards, sensory bags and boy does the list go on. Travis also put up one set of mini-blinds in the preschool room for me (Walmart only had one on hand - will pick up another set next time I'm there). My mom stopped by to help me empty out all of my craft tubs and figure out the best way to organize them all. I was becoming VERY overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I had and the extra help was needed!

Today, we took Maddie to The Children's Discovery Museum. What a fun place! At first she didn't know exacty what to do with all that was there, but once she got into it she was having a lot of fun. There's three floors of "stuff" for the kids to do, but I'd say her favorites were the floor piano, the painting area, the grocery store and the pizza kitchen. We were there for about two hours or so and then headed out for some lunch at DQ.

Oh my gosh - how could I forget this story?! Yesterday, Lexi had an ortho appt. at 4:30 and then we both had hair appts. at 5:30. Kiegan and Maddie went to hang out at my mom's (b/c her house is more fun than where we were going!). We were heading out to pick them up around 7:15 or so and as I'm walking off of my mom's porch (carrying Maddie), I guess I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk! It happened so fast, but at the same time it was like in slow motion b/c I remember doing what I could to make sure that I didn't land on Maddie and that she didn't slam her head on the concrete. Thankfully, she was fine but it scared her and I knew that I was hurt, but I just wanted to get back home. My right knee hurt really bad and I couldn't use my right hand so Kiegan had to buckle Maddie in and Lexi had to buckle ME in. When we finally got home (and it seemed like the longest ride home EVER), I went straight to the bathroom where I carefully took my jeans off (with one hand) and just tossed them in the garbage b/c the knee was torn out from my fall. Sure enough - my knee was a bloody mess! My right hand was even worse though and even right now I'm not so sure if my thumb is broken or sprained b/c it's about twice the size of my left thumb. My thumb nail also apparently bent backwards (you can see the line in my nailpolish where it bent) so my thumb friggin' KILLS and I've got blood and puss all underneath the nail. Plus my palm is all tore up too....I did quite the job on myself! Sleeping last night was interesting with trying to keep a blanket off my knee, but keep my leg covered at the same time b/c I was freezing. Plus I had to keep my right hand safe so that nobody/nothing would bump into it! Today, I can hardly bend my thumb (typing right now doesn't bother it a bit - I suppose b/c I use the side of my thumb?) and it's amazing how much I use my thumb for that I can't right now! Not to mention that I'm right-handed so doing things with my left-hand is SO HARD. My right arm muscles are also super sore today too. Boy, that fall quickly ruined a good day!

Tomorrow we're getting a new mattress delivered which will be GREAT! The one we're sleeping on now is broken on one side and I'm sooo tired of trying to balance myself on it (b/c of course that's MY side now even though I'm not the one who initially broke it). Maybe I'll finally get some good sleep! Even though the mattress does have one busted side on it, we're giving it to the boys to sleep on. Right now they each have their own futon which worked out fine at first, but apparently the mattresses on them are really thin so after awhile they started to be really uncomfortable b/c they can feel the bars through the mattress. So hopefully they can get some better sleep too until we break down and get them REAL beds.

We've got a busy weekend ahead including Maddie's birthday party on Sunday! Everything's going to be purple and I even found a picture of purple ice cream on Pinterest. I was hoping it'd tell me where I could find some purple ice cream b/c that would be totally cool, but so far I can't figure it out?

Until next time..............

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