Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend Update

Another weekend has come and gone! This one wasn't near as busy and hectic as the last few have been which was nice. Friday night I got my Walmart run done and out of the way because I knew Saturday was going to be busy: garage sales in the a.m. and bachelorette party in the p.m. Sunday I didn't have anywhere to go and I was able to get the house caught up on (somewhat anyway)!

I'm hoping we don't get as much wind this week as we had last week! Our poor bunny foo-foo went for a ride last Wednesday when the wind picked up the shed she's in and completely flipped it on it's lid! I just happened to look out of the dining room window and noticed it and went flying outside to make sure she was still alive. The poor thing's cage was a crazy mess, but she was sitting in it with what I would consider a panicked bunny look on her face (not that I've ever seen different looks on a bunny's face before or anything - LOL). I called Travis right away and he was with Joanne buying her new Spyder motorcycle (she's a motorycle mama now!). The kids & I were heading to Blm. so when they got home, they came down and flipped it back over. Here's a picture of it still flipped over:

I'm starting to have stuff delivered that I ordered with my grant money! I think it's going to take a full weekend to get everything put together and re-organized. I'm super excited though!!! Hopefully this weekend we can zip to Blm. and price out some stuff to mark off the play area out back. I think all of these changes will make such a difference - especially when it comes to inside the house and getting all of these crazy toys organized better. I'm so jealous of those that can use their basement or have a separate building/area to have their daycare - that would be so ideal! My daycare seriously fills my every waking moment b/c there's so much I want to do, but I can make the best of it with what we do have. :o)

It's hard to believe that the school year is coming to an end. This summer is going to be different with Lexi being gone for a good portion of it. Her dad's job is moving him to Georgia for 2-3 years so she's going to be spending some time there this summer. I'm not real sure how I feel about that, but I don't have much of a choice I guess. He already has her in a panic b/c he told her this past weekend that he signed her up for softball down there. Lexi is just NOT into that kind of stuff - I think she has like "stage fright" or something. She hates being in front of people doing things (reminds me of how I was when I was her age!). So this summer could be interesting.

It sounds like Kiegan might be done with his Blm. trips by the end of summer! It all depends on how quickly he moves through this reading portion, but right now he's going through it so quickly that they're thinking about bumping him up a level already. So that's good news, especially since he may not be receiving as many services next school year b/c of all the cuts that are being made. Everybody cross your fingers for him!!

Lexi goes to her first ortho appt. tomorrow - I guess this first one is just "records" where they take impressions of her teeth and stuff. It's suppose to be about an hour and a half long appt. so I have to close my daycare early for it. I'll keep everyone updated on it all and will hopefully remember to take pictures of her as she gets her "hardware" put on. :o)

Maddie - oh she's a bully. I have a very light day today and she is bullying everyone that's here by pushing them, taking their toys away, hip-checking them to move them out of her way, etc. Has she figured out already that she's bigger than all of them and is using her size to get her way?? Gee, that could make for some fun days!

1 comment:

The Sancken's said...

That is so good to hear about Kiegan! Good for him!! Hopefully next school year the cuts don't affect him too much. Glad to hear the daycare is doing so well too!