Thursday, April 22, 2010


Maddie found the Angel Food Cake while I was in the bathroom....

Daddy came outside to play with us! Of course none of the other kids would go very close to him b/c they're scared of him.

Maddie trying to sit on her best friend's lap....just a slight size difference....

Maddie loves the sandbox!

My monkey decided to climb up into the window on her own.

This was the look I got when she woke up from her nap...

Then she crawled over to the end of the couch and went back to sleep!

Train Lexi & I saw on fire at the elevator by our house!

I guess she was hungry?

Finally - a ponytail!!!

Just sittin' in the window on a windy day

This was my April Fool's Day joke on Travis. When he went to put this clean diaper on Maddie, it said "I'm going to be a big sister!" Oh I'm so funny..........

This picture cracks me up! The little girl whose lap she's sitting on is 3 years old, but Maddie is HUGE compared to her!

Going for a walk!

We had to say goodbye to Bruiser's girlfriend. He humped the stuffing right out of her.

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