Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank GOODNESS it's Friday!

Sleeping with her butt in the air.....

Oh this has been a week here at the daycare....nobody is getting along, they seem to have forgotten how to be nice to others, they've forgotten how to listen, etc. I'm not sure when the last time was that I've had such a rough week with the kids! By 9:00 this morning all of the kids but 1 had been in time-out at least once. Grrrr.....hopefully naps do them some good! (And hopefully parents arrive on time to pick them all up so this daycare day can END.)

Lexi ended up coming back home from school this morning vomiting (thank-you Grandpa Marvin for bringing her home!). She doesn't have a fever, but she has vomited a few more times. She just asked me to make her some toast so we'll see whether or not it stays down. I just hope she doesn't share it with the rest of us!

As soon as the daycare kids leave, I have to head to Pontiac to the bank and to pick up my Market Day order. I haven't ordered from there for awhile and I'm excited to get it! (Kinda sad that an order of food excites me! LOL) They have the best single-packaged chicken breasts - actually all of their food is really, really good. I should probably get my Walmart shopping done while I'm in town, but I haven't made my grocery list or my dinner list for next week yet and I just don't shop good without a list!

Speaking of next week, Kiegan will be heading to Blm. Monday thru Friday for his sessions to make up for what he missed this week. Oy! I cancelled his session for Wednesday & Thursday b/c I just didn't want to attempt driving in the nasty weather. It will make our evenings VERY hectic, but I just keep reminding myself that it's all for a good reason! I did learn that Kiegan is now getting some extra help for the last hour of each day with a separate teacher who is working with him on his organizational skills, reviewing with him what his classroom teacher taught that day and just asked me today if I was ok with her working on his reading skills with him. Of course I was ok with that - my only concern is that he tests out at a 3rd grade reading level so I don't like that he's expected to understand 4th grade material when he's still trying to conquer 3rd grade stuff. I'm still waiting to hear back from her on that....

Quiet time is almost over now - yikes! Hopefully these last two hours go smoothly......

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