Thursday, August 14, 2008

No big baby news....

So we had our sonogram this afternoon and of course we were hoping to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl, but the sonogram tech. couldn't really tell. We just know that there's a baby in there! She said that at 20 weeks, boy parts and girl parts look pretty much the same on a sonogram so she didn't want to guess at what it was and then be wrong. It weighs about 13 ounces which is a few ounces heavier than average babies at 20 weeks (not surprising I suppose considering the size of Travis). We see Dr. Ingram next Wednesday for our regular monthly appointment, but from what the tech. seemed to say everything looked good! We will have another sonogram closer to the end of the pregnancy so I suppose if we still want to find out we can then. :o)


Laura Roethle said...

That's disappoiting! The same thing happened to us. However they told me that they could sneak a peak anytime I was in the office for a regular appointment so at my next appointment we were able to check and she cooperated this time!

The McAfee's said...

I don't think my last post went so here we go again. That sucks. We were really hoping to know. This baby takes after the both of you. The baby is probably laughing right now saying HA HA. You will just have to surprise it so that it will have to show their parts. We are definitely ones that want to know. A pink ballerina dress just won't look right on a little boy. Good luck next time.