Thursday, February 19, 2009

On the road to being healthy....

We were able to bring Maddie home Sunday before lunch time! She slept pretty well through the night Saturday and they took her off the oxygen at Midnight, but I was still up at 1:00 am. I just can't seem to sleep in the hospital for some reason. Plus the nurses were coming in constantly checking her vitals and giving her breathing treatments. Travis slept at home - he's just too big to be able to be comfortable there. Plus with his Bronchitis - he needed to be able to get some good rest. The nurses we had were all great. One in particular hooked us up with some free formula and infant water and she even had a couple of $5 off coupons for the formula I've been supplementing with. She also took Maddie's IV out Sunday morning and I immediately scooped her up and held her which was so nice because it was impossible to hold her closely with everything sticking out of her. Travis held her very little while she was in the hospital b/c of the fact that he was also sick, but I think he held her almost all of Sunday afternoon to make up for it!

As this week has gone on, I can tell that she's slowly getting better. She's not wheezy anymore when she breathes and her chest rattles very little now. She was coughing more than usual yesterday, but now today it's been very little. She is definitely staying awake a lot longer during the day which is fun! Last night she fell asleep for the night around 10:00 and didn't wake up until about 5:00 so that was good! She also smiles a lot when we talk to her and it's so stinkin' cute. I keep trying to get a picture of her smiling, but it's just not working out for me. Her hands also seem to be going into her mouth quite often when she's awake so I'm wondering if we're gonna have a thumb sucker on our hands? Daddy will not like that!! She has her 2-month check in a couple of weeks. It was suppose to be this coming Monday, but they won't give her any shots while she's sick so it was rescheduled to early March. I'm curious to see how much more she weighs (she's 12 lbs. 3 oz. now) and just how long she is. The outfit I put on her yesterday was too short and I'm having the same problem with her outfit today and they're both 3-month outfits!! So I may have to pull out the 3-6 month clothes that I put away.

We don't have much coming up this weekend besides a volleyball game. Travis & I might have our V-day dinner that we weren't able to make, but that's about it!

Enjoy the pics!!
A few bathtime pics:
This one cracks me up - her big ol' belly, fists and tough girl face:
So sweet......
All the daycare kids I had today (a couple of them were smiling goofy for me):
Me & my high-waters.....

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Maddie's first Valentine's Day - a visit to the ER!

Well, this has been the longest Valentine's Day ever!! I think I mentioned in a previous blog that Maddie had her first cold. She's been congested and coughing most of the week, but it never seemed too serious until she woke up around 3:00 this morning. I was already awake because Travis was having a coughing fit and her breathing suddenly sounded very odd - almost like she was stuttering and I could tell that she was struggling to breathe. So I picked her up and rocked her and she was acting like she was hungry so I nursed her for a bit and she seemed to fall back asleep, but then her breathing started sounding horrible again so I start heading downstairs where Travis was hacking his head off and she suddenly spits up everything she just ate down my shoulder and back which is not like her at all. I told Travis that I think she needed to be seen by a doctor and of course we had the older three kids upstairs sleeping; so he stayed home with them and I headed to the ER with Maddie. Her breathing the whole way there was making me a nervous wreck - I could really tell that she was working hard to breathe. We got to the ER and they admitted us and this is when the real fun started! The nurses that were working were fantastic - they were so sweet to Maddie and very kind to me, but they had quite a few problems doing what they needed to do b/c Maddie's veins and all are so small. First, they wanted to put in a cathedar to get a urine specimen and the nurse tried 2 or 3 times and couldn't get it so she called in another nurse who was finally able to. Not fun! Then they wanted to start an IV line - yippee. They put this cream stuff that would numb her skin on three different spots so that they had three different spots to choose from and of course trying to put an IV line in a baby's vein is not easy so it took multiple times to finally get it, but once they did I noticed that it was leaking so while they were trying to fix the leak they accidentally pulled the IV out!! NNNNOOOOOO!!!!! So then they had to put another one in, but in the other arm this time and they didn't bother to use any numbing stuff. That took a new nurse to finally get the job done. THEN they wanted to draw blood which I thought they could just use the IV, but nope - they used the opposite arm and the girl stuck and stuck her poor little arm and finally the girl was able to get some blood for two vials. BUT apparently it wasn't enough b/c another nurse came back in later to draw some more blood!! Finally, that was all done and they admitted us. So since about 6:30am we've been in a private room and she's been receiving breathing treatments, a bag of antibiotics and a bag of fluids for dehydration. She tested negative for RSV, pneumonia and influenza so she has some sort of a bronchial infection. She has tubes coming out of everywhere too - there's the IV coming out of her arm, a thingy on her foot to measure her oxygen and oxygen up her nose. So it's impossible to cuddle with her b/c of it all and that drives me nuts! She slept a lot during the day and is finally asleep for the night - at least I hope b/c I am pooped. The nurses have all been great and they all just love her hair! She does weigh over 12 pounds now which doesn't surprise me considering how much she eats. But hopefully we can go home tomorrow because she sounds so much better now. To top things off - Travis walked over to the Saturday clinic to see if he could get something for his cough and come to find out he has Bronchitis and something else that he can't remember. UGH! So he's got some meds that will hopefully help him out and let him get some good sleep. Oh and here's the weird thing - the bed they have in the room for me to sleep on has a mind of its own b/c it doesn't matter if nobody's sitting on it or even when I am sitting on it, but not moving - it'll start moving all on its own! Suddenly the foot of the bed will go up or the head of the bed will move - it's really weird.

The older three kids spent the day with grandmas while we were at the hospital and Grandma Joanne had a very special V-day planned for all 6 of her grandkids! She was brave enough to have our 3 kids and Travis' sister's 3 kids over for a dinner by candle light and then they all are spending the night. Yikes!! Travis called to make sure that she was still alive and that the kids didn't have Grandpa John tied to a chair or something and it sounds like the night was going very well and the kids were having a blast. I had planned on making a steak dinner for the two of us to have, but we'll have to do that another night. We did get milkshakes from the DQ though thanks to Grandma Carol & Grandpa Marvin - YUM-O!

From what I heard, Lexi did GREAT at her volleyball game today! She told me that she wasn't as afraid of the ball this time and got a couple of good hits in and a good serve. I knew she'd get braver the more she played! We love that the kids are getting more active, but they're going to run us ragged! Kiegan was telling me the other night that he wants to play basketball at the Rec Center, baseball at the Boys & Girls Club and JFL Football (only if Travis will be his coach). Oh and he's also mentioned wanting golf lessons....we'll see about that one. Patrick has also been going to a wrestling clinic so they're all busy with something!

Tuesday morning we get our new upstairs windows put in. That will be so nice! I won't know what to do without having the rattling windows to listen to and the boys room having snow on the floor during the winter. Yes - that's how old our house is! Eventually, we'd like to replace the dining room windows and the bay window in the living room. We think it'll make a huge difference on our heating/cooling bills.

It's almost 11:00 now - I should probably try to get some sleep. Cross your fingers that we get to go home tomorrow!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Looong Update!

I am super sorry that it's been so long since my last update! The days just get away from me sometimes - not that I've got a lot going on or anything, right? :o) So anyway, this update may skip around a bit - do your best to follow along!
Patrick turned the big 0-7 last month! We had family over for his birthday to celebrate it with him. He finally has his own Nintendo DS and I think he received enough games to last him awhile! Seeing him plopped on the couch playing his DS almost makes me wonder if he's more of a "game head" than Kiegan is which I didn't think was possible.
Lexi has started volleyball and has her first game coming up next week. She seems to be enjoying all of the practices so hopefully she enjoys the competition of the games as well! Her Girl Scout Cookie sales ended on Monday and she sold an even 200 boxes of cookies - thanks to everyone that bought!!
Kiegan has his last basketball game on Saturday morning. He's so fun to watch because Lord knows he's no Michael Jordan, but he is having more fun than anybody else out there. It doesn't matter how many baskets he misses or rebounds he fumbles, he has the biggest smile on his face the entire time! We went and bought him a St. Mary's Saints duffel bag to carry his basketball gear in and he thinks that's just the coolest. He said that he's going to take it to school when he starts to play basketball for The Saints so it's awesome to hear that he plans to keep on playing. I had a meeting Wednesday afternoon with Kiegan's special needs group of teachers. I haven't talked much about this on here because none of us have been exactly sure what's causing Kiegan to struggle so much, but Kiegan has been in special speech groups since he turned 3 and unfortunately his speech issues have affected his ability to learn. They did a BUNCH of testing on him and thankfully those tests have shown that he doesn't have a learning disability - he simply needs to learn differently than his peers and work harder to learn. There's also a disorder that we are going to be looking further into with the help of people at ISU called Auditory Processing Disorder or APD - for more information on that check out: Kiegan seems to show a lot of the signs of possibly having this particular disorder. I'll keep you updated as we learn more!
Miss Maddie is doing fantastic as usual!! She is the sweetest little baby and has the best little personality - when she's awake that is. Yeah - she still sleeps constantly, but is also still sleeping great at night. She's in bed for the night around 9-9:30 and then wakes up one time between 3-3:30 to nurse and is then back to sleep for another few hours. What also hit me this morning is that on most nights when I lay her down in her little bed, she's actually still awake and she'll just lay there making her little noises until she finally falls asleep! I had been worried that I was holding her too much (because she is just so very cuddly to hold) and that she was maybe a bit spoiled, but this girl is an angel and we just couldn't ask her to be any better. She must really be growing during all of her sleeping though! She wears 3 months clothes pretty much all the time now, but her toes are starting to curl because she's so darn long! So the other night I pulled out a 3-6 month outfit just to see how far off her body was from filling it out and sure enough - her legs are long enough to fit, but she has a bit more filling out to do to fit that size perfectly. So I think we may be looking for 3 month outfits that don't have the footies on them so the poor girl doesn't have gimped up toes. On a poopier note - my mom and I went to a visitation last week in Minier. It was a small family visitation and of course Maddie started out sleeping, but then she decided to wake up while the priest was talking. Now, Maddie makes a lot of grunting noises when she moves and stretches around and she's very loud when she does this. So of course she was doing this which was enough noise by itself, but then guess what she started doing? Filling her diaper VERY LOUDLY!!! All of us on our side of the church were trying to control our laughter during all of this which was a very long and loud process. My mom was holding her at the time and her cousin who was sitting in the pew behind her was leaning forward and saying things to make it sound like it was my mom not controlling her bowels which got us all laughing even harder. My cousin, Jill, who was sitting behind me had tears rolling down her face from laughing so hard and I was about a mess sitting right next to my mom & Maddie. Thankfully, the priest finally finished up and I was able to take Maddie to change her and oh my Lord - she had mustard poop all the way up the front and all the way up the back of her!! And wouldn't you know, I had her in the cutest darn outfit too!! (Pics of it are below) Now, keep in mind that Lexi & Kiegan are 9 and almost 11 so it's been quite a while since I've traveled with baby in tow so apparently I also forgot about always bringing an extra outfit in case such things were to happen. Now the town of Minier is very small and certainly doesn't have a Walmart or any other store that would have baby clothes, but thankfully my cousin, Jill, brought Maddie's gift with her and it had two outfits in it!! My biggest dilemma was how the heck I was going to get the onesie off of her without smearing the poop all throughout her hair, but somehow I managed. Oh it was an experience....needless to say, I have an outfit that just stays in the diaper bag now! On a more fun note -she is starting to smile at us more now! And now that her umbilical cord has fallen off, she's enjoying bathtime much more until it's time to take her out of the warm water - watch out! She gets MAD!! The comments from people about who she looks like are about 50/50 - some people think she looks a lot like me and others think she looks a lot like Travis. Personally, I see a lot of Travis in her. She has broke out with some baby acne on her face and chest - sometimes it's worse than others, but from what I've read she'll probably have it off and on for 4-6 months. Yuck! I think I'm bothered by it more than she is though. :o)
My daycare opened back up this week and I don't think I could have asked it to go any smoother! The kids have all been fantastic with Maddie and I can tell that now she's sort of "old news" to most of them. :o) I have also had a lot of my parents tell me how happy they are to have their little ones coming back to my daycare (especially the ones that were unhappy with the temporary sitter they had while I was closed). And two of my parents have told me how much better of a mood their children have been in since they've been coming back. That makes me feel good! I have been trying to create my own curriculum to use with the children instead of buying it over the internet, but what I'm finding is that I will probably spend more in printer ink cartridges and printer paper than I was buying it already prepared through the internet. So who knows what I'll do! It's nice to have my energy back though and to be able to enjoy the kids again.
Next month we are all going to Grand Bear Lodge again! This is Grandma Joanne's big Christmas present to her grandkids. She has reserved a cabin for us and I'm sure most of the time will be spent at the indoor water park and indoor amusement park. They had such a great time when we were there a couple of years ago that I'm sure they'll love it just as much this year!
I guess that's all for now - I'll try to do a better job at posting updates!!**************************************************************
I started writing this post on Wednesday so you can see how well it's been working out for me! I figure I might as well add our weekend update to it. We really didn't have a whole lot going on which was nice for a change! Kiegan had his last basketball game Saturday morning where he basically attempted to "tackle" someone on the other team. I have to admit that the other team played really rough - throwing elbows and all so maybe he just wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine? The high school girl that was the referee for this game was irritating me to no end though. She was way too concerned about whether or not the players had their toes behind the line when they were passing the ball into play and not at all concerned about the rough way the other team was playing. If I wanted to be one of "those" parents, I could have certainly shared a few words with her but I held myself back!

I finally decided to pull out all of Maddie's 0-3 month clothes because she can't fit into any of them and the girl's only 5 1/2 weeks old! In fact, I put a pair of 3-6 month jammies on her last night just to show Daddy because the front of them said "Daddy's Princess" (that's what he calls her) but they fit her perfectly so that's what she slept in. She also seems to have Daddy's appetite and my poor body can't seem to keep up with her. I shouldn't be too surprised because Kiegan was only a few ounces bigger than her when he was born and I wasn't able to nurse him as long as I would have like either. I feel bad for her because she gets so very frustrated with me, but my body is just not producing enough milk to satisfy her so she's been getting more and more formula which I know isn't the worst thing in the world, but it's not what I had planned! I think she also has her first cold - I've been having to use the snot sucker on her and she certainly doesn't enjoy it at all! During the day she doesn't seem too bad, but once night rolls around and first thing in the morning she's been sneezing and sneezing and sounding rather congested. So we may be calling the doctor soon!

Ok - now I think I'm done. :o)

Yeah - I think Kiegan is ok that he has a little sister and not another little brother like he had hoped. :o) I can't remember if I put on here what his reaction was when we told him that we were having a girl..."Can you put a penis on her?"
My big sister!!

Big brother#2!!

I do cry every now and then....

But I still like to sleep a lot....

And you're taking my picture again because why?!

The infamous poopy outfit! See how cute it is?! Thankfully it all washed out!

I'm so smart that I can already hold my own bottle! ;o)

These are my 3-6 month PJ's that say "Daddy's Princess"! My diaper takes up most of the room in my pants....

A close-up of me and my first pimples. :o(