Monday, April 2, 2012

Vegas, DCFS and Infection.....OH MY!

Wow - it's April already?! And Easter is next weekend?!?! Can't believe how quickly 2012 is going by....

I think I mentioned a few posts ago that Travis' Christmas gift to me was a trip to Vegas in March. We flew out of Peoria on the morning of March 19th. I've only flown a few times and it doesn't really make me very nervous, except when it comes time to land. The last ten minutes or so as the planes descending and feeling rocky and then when it HITS the ground are my least favorite. But this was Travis' very first flight EVER! We made it past luggage check with no problems and grabbed a bite to eat at one of the little restaurants there. We had quite awhile to wait before our could board the plane, but the time went by really quickly! Because of Travis' size, he purposely booked us the emergency row seats so he could have more leg room and that meant we had "priority boarding" and were able to get on the plane right away. As soon as the plane started moving, I could tell Travis was nervous - he kept shifting around in his seat, his palms were sweaty and he kept looking at me. I tried not to giggle at him, but it was pretty funny b/c Travis doesn't get nervous. Ever.  The flight was pretty painless and the view out of the window was beautiful! They were selling tickets to Blue Man Group for a pretty good price on the plane, so we went ahead and bought some. The two-hour time difference definitely works in your favor when flying out to Vegas - pretty awesome to get back two hours of your day!  Now Peoria airport is pretty small and it's easy to get around, but the airport in Vegas is a totally different story!!  Holy have to walk forever and then go on escalators and then hop on a tram just to get to where your luggage is! And of course our luggage was on carasoul 10 (or whatever they call it) which was like 6.7 miles from where we exited the tram - or so it seemed. Then it was a waiting game to watch for your luggage to come around. Once we grabbed our two suitcases, we had to figure out what shuttle bus to hop on to get to Treasure Island, our hotel. We stood in line for almost two hours I think it was before we were on a shuttle, but once we got to our hotel - the week of fun began!!  Our hotel was nothing like either of us have ever seen before. I mean let's be honest - Vegas, in general, is nothing either of us farm folk have ever seen before! We didn't do a whole lot that first day - grabbed a bite to eat (The price of food out there is CRAZY - a beer costs $5? WOW!), gambled a little bit and then relaxed and went to bed early. We had a perfect biew of Trump Tower from our bedroom window - awesome! I am a BIG Donald Trump fan - don't necessarily agree with his political opinions, but he is possibly THE smartest business man there is. Tuesday morning, we got ready and decided to go for a walk. We found a McDonald's along the way and grabbed some breakfast (our cheapest meal the entire week!). Then we decided to check out a nearby hotel and guess what happened?  My ridiculously nice husband - who can't tell people "no" - got us sucked into a two-hour timeshare tour. What?! Well, it wasn't too terribly bad and we got free show tickets to Jubilee, free buffet for two and buy one, get one free buffet tickets. The Jubilee tickets were like $75 dollars or something like that a piece and the buffet was probably $25-ish per person. So we scored $150 in show tickets and $75 in buffet tickets for free by spending two hours touring a beautiful timeshare. Throughout the week, he almost got us sucked into the same thing a number of times!  After the timeshare ordeal, we grabbed some lunch at Toby Keith's restaurant. I had a fried bologna sandwich which was REALLY good! That night Travis was wanting to take a nap and I was like "No way!" so I decided we would go see Marriage Can Be Murder which was one of those dinner theater shows where the audience participates in solving the crime. Travis wasn't so sure about it, but he was a good sport. He even ended up being part of the show b/c the fella that welcomed all of us claimed that Travis was his long-lost twin brother (this guy was MUCH smaller than Travis which made it even funnier). Come to find out, he was the first murderer!!  So the "cop" had to interview Travis and find out how he knew the killer. It was SO much fun and Travis said he had a blast. In fact, I think at the end of the week, Travis said that was his most favorite show! When we got back to our hotel, the pirate show that happens every night outside our hotel was just beginning so we stayed and watched. It was pretty neat! We also bought tickets for the tour of Hoover Dam the next morning. It took up a good chunk of the day, but it was one of those things that I'm glad we did - probably wouldn't care to do it again, but it was still amazing to see! That night we used our free tickets to see Jubilee - we went to the 10:30 pm show which is the topless show. It was ok....we were both ready for it to end way before it actually did though. We did get prime time seating though! Originally, our seats were in the back but we got there pretty early and they moved us up right next to the stage which was pretty awesome - for Travis anyway. LOL I literally could have reached over and squeezed a boobie or two if I had the urge (which I obviously didn't). I also didn't honestly know where to look the whole time - half-naked women and feminine men dancing around in jock straps. It was somewhat uncomfortable for me! Oh well - it was free right?  Thursday we decided we would get our shopping done before doing anything else. Joanne told me about the M&M store and I knew we had to go there to find Maddie's souvenirs and boy did we ever! That store is AWESOME!  Four levels of M&M everything! I figured we'd pick just a couple things, but Daddio went crazy over his Princess - a backpack, jammies, towel and blanket. All in red M&Ms of course to match our red tractors - duh! We bought the older three two shirts each, Lexi a Las Vegas satchel purse thingy, and the boys a set of Vegas dice and Vegas BINGO set. That night we ate dinner at the buffet in our hotel and Travis discovered that the dessert table had unlimited sprinkles - boy was he excited!  He said "Sprinkles make everything taste good!" It was pretty hilarious....  That night we saw Blue Man Group which I LOVED!!!  It was so funny and just beyond entertaining - we both enjoyed the entire show. I mean they get the entire audience involved and they come walking up into the crowd and they walked directly in front of us in our row and pulled a girl down to the stage that was sitting behind us. SO fun!!!  We had to be up and ready Friday morning for the 6:00am shuttle, but our week was just what we both needed. We needed some time away from "life" to just relax and recharge. We're already talking about our next trip out there - Travis wants it to be a yearly vacation for us. Sounds good to me!!

Now while we were out there, Julie from DCFS called and left me a message that she needed to reschedule my home visit which was planned for the Tuesday after we came home. When I heard the message, my heart sank. I wasn't necessarily surprised b/c that's pretty much how this whole process has been going with them. To start off by being told that they didn't see a problem with me opening in January to them losing/misplacing my paperwork and so on and so on - this rescheduling wasn't a total shock. Thankfully, she just wanted to push it out to the next day!  So I busted my butt to make sure I had my house ready and any and all paperwork ready that she was going to ask to see. This particular rep had been to my house before when I had the daycare open and what I remembered of her was someone who had absolutely ZERO personality. She also did that visit during the time that I was taking Kiegan to Blm. 3-4 nights a week for his learning disability and I just will never forget her admitting that if one of her children had a learning issue and needed to be driven 45 minutes for help that she wouldn't be willing to do that for him/her. Will never forget that comment! So I wasn't exactly looking forward to seeing her again.  But I apparently caught her on a good day b/c she made the visit completely pain-free which I appreciated and I did my best to make sure that I had everything available to her that I knew she would need to see. As soon as she got back into the preschool room the first words out of her mouth were, "Wow! This is impressive!" I can't tell you what a relief it was to hear her say that!! She asked some general questions about how I planned to run my day, what curriculum I was using, etc. and before she left she said, "If I had preschool-aged kids of my own, I'd definitely send them here." Awesome!! That's quite the compliment from a DCFS rep, especially this one! So even though she was here for almost two hours, it went by very quickly and she told me to consider myself licensed and to start advertising. Yes m'am!! I was SO excited and relieved, needless to say. So I've been busy getting my enrollment packets put together and working on my advertising plan.  Things are officially moving forward!!

Now onto Travis and his fun week. Oh boy! On February 24th, he went and had a vasectomy which seemed to go ok - some pain and discomfort but that was to be expected. Sometime this past Tuesday though he was complaining of some pain in his groin - didn't think much of it really. Maybe he just pulled something? Wednesday we woke up and was definitely feeling some more pain, but went to work anyway. He called me mid-morning saying that the pain was so terrible that I needed to call the doctor's office in Blm. where the procedure was done to see if they could see him. They were able to get him in at 1:45.  I picked him up from work and we took off. He was hurting so bad that he could barely walk and had sweat just dripping off of him from the pain. I honestly didn't know if he was going to be able to get into the vehicle and when he finally got in, he had tears in his eyes b/c it was hurting that bad. Come to find out he somehow got some bacteria in him - assuming from when he had the vasectomy, but the nurse practicioner couldn't explain why it took 30+ days for it to surface. He verified that Travis was allergic to penicillan and then prescribed him a pain killer and a 21-day antibiotic. He informed Travis that if this doesn't fix things, Plan B was to remove the testicle. Not the best news to tell a man! An ultrasound was also scheduled for the next morning to verify that it was definitely an infection. He took the rest of the week off from work b/c he literally couldn't move due to the pain. Thursday morning, we headed out to the Pontiac hospital for the ultrasound and then took off to see our family doctor b/c of some lower leg pain that he had been having for the past couple months or so. Of course our family doctor wanted an xray of the leg, so back to the hospital we went for an xray (come to find out there was nothing seen in the xray - didn't make him happy)! Later in the day, the Blm. office called with the ultrasound results and his infection was worse than they thought - it was in the tube and in the sack. So they verified again that he was allergic to penicillan and called in a second antibiotic. I immediately took off to town to pick that up so Travis could start taking it right away. He popped one in right away without either of us thinking twice about what the medicine was. In the middle of the night, things went downhill all of a sudden - he was tossing, turning and scratching the heck out of his body and constantly wringing his hands. Neither of us slept much and went downstairs around 4:00am to see what was going on. He was broke out in a rash all over his body! I immediately knew he was reacting to that second antibiotic so I grabbed the bottle and read what it was - AMOXICILLAN - which is a Penicillan based antibiotic. Seriously?! The doctor's office verified that he was allergic to Penicillan before calling this in and Travis has been using the same pharmacy for YEARS and they have on file that he's allergic to Penicillan and yet they still filled that script?! NOT GOOD!!  So we had to wait until the office opened at 9:00am before calling and letting them know their mistake. Thankfully, my mom is friends with a nurse who she was able to call and find out how much Benadryl to give him in the meantime. I had intentions of letting that doctor's office know just how upset we were, but the nurse that answered the phone was so stinkin' nice that I couldn't be gruff with her! She talked to the doctor and he called in a different antibiotic and told us that Travis was to stop taking the other one (oh really?) and to keep taking the Benadryl. I also told the pharmacy to put a note on Travis' file about his allergy b/c they claimed there was nothing in it about it. Hard to believe....  So Travis ended up just getting more and more miserable - the rash was AWFUL. He scratched himself so completely raw that he had pus coming out and he scratched his skin off in some places. He couldn't sleep again Friday night and finally went to prompt care Saturday morning to get a shot of SOMETHING to counteract the reaction. They gave him a BIG shot of Prednisone and a prescription for Prednisone (6 pills day 1, 5 pills day 2 and so on) plus a list of over-the-counter meds to take plus a list of things to help tolerate the itching. So he now had a whole buffet of medicine bottles on the counter! But he couldn't wait to get some relief!!  The rest of the weekend was pretty miserable for him. He could tell the infection in his testicle was starting to get better - he was told it would take quite a few days before he would feel a difference. I rubbed his whole body down with Calamine Lotion to help with the itching, he took multiple showers to try to help relieve the itching, he rarely slept, rarely ate and simply didn't do a whole lot b/c he was so uncomfortable!  Now today - Monday - he did go back to work and he said by this afternoon the itching didn't seem to be quite as bad. Still awful - but not AS bad. He still has 2 1/2 weeks before he's done with ALL of his meds and a follow-up ultrasound on the 20th to make sure things are better down yonder.  He went to bed early tonight so hopefully that means he's tired enough that he'll be able to sleep in bed all night. He hasn't slept all night - or in our bed - since last Wednesday!  So since turning 32 in January, he's totally falling apart on me!!  On a positive, he did lose about 10 pounds and that has made him want to lose more weight - buy a treadmill, watch what he eats, etc. So hopefully he stays on that kick b/c I think he'd be REALLY surprised about how much better he'll feel (and how much less his knees and the rest of his body will hurt) if he were to lose weight. He weighs around 370 and could easily lose a good amount of weight with very little effort on his part. So thumbs up to that idea!

Sheesh!  It's after 11:00 - time for me to head to bed!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Something I am NOT good at.....

I think most of my adult years, I've been the type of person that doesn't like to be told how to do something, I don't really want advice unless I specifically ask for it, I don't like to answer to others for what I choose to do and I have the mentality of "If you want it done right, do it yourself."  Another big personality quirk of mine is that I do NOT like to wait on others. I have patience, but I do NOT have patience when I'm waiting on others so that I can move forward with something. That being said, the last handful of months have been so ridiculously stressful for me simply because I'm waiting on one DCFS rep!!  People that have never worked with DCFS have absolutely no clue what a frustrating mess they are. I have been working on my preschool idea since last summer....working, planning, researching and the list goes on. I submitted all of my paperwork to them (and believe me when I saw it was a THICK packet!) towards the end of last year and waited....and waited...and waited to hear from them. I didn't want to call and be an annoyance because the last thing you want to do is be on their bad side, but I finally did and guess what?  They reassigned all the reps and my new one had to "search" for my file and finally found it saying that my previous rep just sort of set it off to the side and apparently forgot about it.  Awesome.  So she needed a few more things from me which I took care of within that week. More time passed, I wasn't hearing from her so I contacted her again and she said background checks all came back fine so now she was just waiting on my references to get their paperwork back to her and then she'd be able to schedule my home visit (which is the last step before licensing). I made sure she knew that I was really hoping to have open enrollment in mid-March - around the same time as the other two preschools in the area.  Well, I waited and waited and waited and finally contacted her AGAIN on Leap Day checking to see if maybe she needed me to give my references a swift kick in the butt to get their paperwork back to her....and guess what??  She forgot to even mail the paperwork to them!!!!  Are you kidding me?!  Can anything else happen to slow down this process any more?? I feel SO much guilt - every single day - for the fact that financially things are a struggle for us right now. I know it was my decision to totally switch my career path and I know it's never easy for anybody to do such a thing and I don't want to feel bad for following my dreams, but to have to wait on this one person to do their job so that I can move forward has only made things THAT much more difficult because it's completely out of my hands.  On a positive note, I have not felt rushed AT ALL to get the school room ready! I have lots of items crossed off of my to-do list (although I still seem to add to it daily).  My waiting list keeps growing which is the BEST (it just grew a little longer today in fact!) so that keeps me motivated.  Ok - so actually the idea, in general, of what I'm doing keeps me motivated because I LOVE IT!!  I LOVE where my life is headed!!  I just have to work through these bumps in the road....I have gobs and gobs of support and Travis assures me every time I start to apologize for our sudden struggles that he supports me 110% and that he has never once put blame on me for things.  Can't ask for anything better than that!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Quick Update

Not a whole lot has been happening around here! We were able to have our last Christmas with the Sancken side of the family this past Sunday. We were waiting for Grandma Sancken to feel better and she seems to be doing great for the most part.  Trevor and Nicole were also able to bring LJ (Little John), their newest addition for all to see! Of course I have a cold so I stayed far away from the little guy. I thought it was getting better, but now I keep coughing and coughing.  BUT I'd rather have this cough than the nasty flu stuff that seems to be hitting a lot of people!!

I still haven't heard from DCFS. I know she said it would likely be at the end of this month, but I'd just like to get it done and over with! I know the other preschools here in town have open enrollment in March so I'd REALLY like to be able to do the same to catch those families that are looking for a preschool. I did receive another email yesterday out of the blue from a family looking to enroll their little boy in the fall so there's another name added to my waiting list!  I did finish my curriculum for Year #1 and next will be writing my curriculum for Year #2. This way I won't use the exact same curriculum year after year and the kiddos that I'll have for two years in a row won't get bored with the same learnings plans as the previous year. But I have plenty of time to get that done! Now I'm down to just getting random things on my checklist done - classroom rules chart, updated fliers, enrollment packets put together, etc.  I also need to get moving and make a decision about what summer camps to do! I have a looong list of ideas (57 of them to be exact) and they are for ALL different ages. I know I want to try a culture study camp where we have passports and "visit" different countries to learn their culture, music, language, customs, etc. This one will probably be geared towards older kids (not preschool). I've already picked five countries and have written to their Embassies telling them what I'm doing and asking for any material/info they'd be willing to send me. (Lots of times they will send fun freebies such as maps, posters, flags, etc.) I just hope my summer plans come together like I'm hoping!

Next week will be a busy week for Travis! On Monday, he goes for a consultation about carpal tunnel surgery. He's been needing to do this for awhile. He'll have moments where he's holding something and it will just suddenly fall out of his hand because he loses all sensation. THEN on Friday he goes for a vasectomy. I'll admit that I'm taking it REALLY hard (not that anybody really can tell b/c I don't exactly walk around with my feelings on my shoulder). I know it's the right thing to do (I mean four kids IS enough, right?), but those of you that know me also know that I LOVE being pregnant and I would give birth a million times. For whatever crazy reason, I enjoy the entire process - crazy, I know!!  So I just keep telling myself that if we stop having kids now then we'll both be in our late 40's/early 50's when we're kid-free again and we'll still be young enough to enjoy life.  I don't know - it still stinks, but needs to be done.  :(  *sigh*

That's about it, folks! Not much going on around here!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bowling and Freshman Orientation (yikes!)

Well, we suddenly have a couple of bowlers in the family!  Patrick and Kiegan have joined a youth bowling league in Pontiac at Fiesta Lanes. It actually began back in the fall and only has about six weeks left, but they said that the boys could finish out these last weeks with the rest of the kids. I think they really enjoy it!  Neither one of them are the greatest (Kiegan more-so than Patrick, lol), but that's not to say with a lot of practice they couldn't turn this into something that they're both really good at! So our Saturday mornings will be spent at the alley.  I even talked to Patrick's mom about the league and she has agreed to let us have Patrick on Friday nights of the weekends that we usually don't have him so that he can do the league with Kiegan.  Patrick received a bowling ball from his ex-stepdad for his birthday and we told Kiegan that if this seems like something he truly enjoys and wants to keep doing then we'd get him a Packers bowling ball and bag. So we'll see how this goes!

Last night, we had *gulp* FRESHMAN ORIENTATION!!  I just can't believe that Lexi is going to be in high about making me feel OLD!  Joanne was able to stay with Maddie and pick Kiegan up from Taekwondo for us so that we could go to the orientation - just the three of us. I have to say that I am so impressed with our high school! They are totally up-to-speed with the level of technology that our country's at these days and I love that. The orientation itself lasted a little over an hour and included talks from the guidance counselors, teachers and Student Council President. They talked about the importance of course selection for college and how important it was to be an involved student which I loved. I want Lexi's high school years to be the complete OPPOSITE of what mine were. I would never want to relive my high school years ever again! I was so shy and not involved in a darn thing - not to mention that I don't ever remember being talked to about any plans for college with my guidance counselor.  I even graduated 9th in my class so I had the potential to be a great college student!  Lexi has her sights set on attending U of I and being a large animal vet so we've been reading through the material packet together and getting a high school "plan" put together of classes. I think she definitely picked up on the importance of her school work and grades and how that will make a difference on whether or not she's able to follow her dreams. She tested pretty low on the 8th grade placement test for English and Math and scored really well for Science, but because of the low English and Math test scores they are suggesting she take Gen. Science her Freshman Year. She did admit to me tonight that she didn't take the testing seriously and now regrets it since she knows that it caused her to be placed in lower academic classes.  Lesson learned for her I hope!  As of now, she is also looking at joining Student Council, FFA, FCCLA (leadership club) and Key Club. So she's sure to be a busy high-schooler!  I have my hopes high for her and took advantage of Maddie sleeping in this morning to write Lexi a letter (it ended up being three pages long - whoops!) just letting her know how proud I was of her, what our expectations are of her during her high school years and what some of my regrets are that I've always carried around with me since high school. I put it in an envelope and placed it on her bed. I know she's read it and I can tell it's put a pep in her step tonight (and up'd her level of cooperation too). I don't plan to actually bring up the letter to her unless she mentions it first. I just hope she puts it in a special spot and pulls it out to re-read whenever she needs a little pick-me-up! I see great things for this girl's future - I just want her to see that for herself too!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Finally on the radar!

Well, Miss DCFS finally contacted me last week! Wahoo!!  She said that they reassigned all the reps and the previous rep that was assigned to me seemed to just leave my file sitting and didn't even bother putting it into their system. So she was going to make sure that got done immediately. She still needs some things from me though: well water test completed (got the kit and plan to send it off this week), notes from our doctor stating the kids don't need TB or lead tests (already received those), I have to take a couple of online classes and send copies of the completion certificates (wouldn't you know our printer just crapped out on us so I have a new one ordered that will hopefully arrive this week), and she couldn't find on my high school transcripts what date I actually graduated (I called the high school and they said it's right at the top of the paper so I explained that to her and got that taken care of). It's all easy stuff, but just a matter of waiting for things to arrive so that I can photocopy and mail off to her. Of course she said she can't do her visit until these things are taken care of. Plus, she's waiting on the background checks for Travis, Lexi, my mom & I to come back so that the four of us can then go down to Bloomington for fingerprinting. It's really quite a process to become licensed!  But I'm glad to know that I finally seem to be on their radar. She did ask me what my timeline was for opening. I told her that my original plan was January 2nd (which obviously didn't happen) so I was shooting for February - she said not to hold my breath. :o( Sooooooo, that pretty much tells me that I won't be opening until summer. I could probably open from March to May, but three months just isn't enough for little ones (and parents) to see any improvements. Now my big decision is whether or not to do a daily summer program or just have some one-week "camps"? I have a big book all about summer camp themes so I think I'll look through that and see if I could make the camp idea work. I was also approached by a lady at church who works with the Fugate Woods Nature Preserve. She would like to have some preschool-aged sessions there in the woods all about taking care of nature, earth, ourselves, etc. I thought that was an excellent idea!! So lots of things to still think about, but it's all coming together finally (thank goodness b/c the checkbook is going to be in bad, bad shape by the time summer gets here).  In the meantime, I'm still spending most of my days in the preschool room getting things together. I absolutely love it though!  So much progress has been made....some of the pictures have an orange hue to them. Not sure why?

A lot of my ideas I get from - she teaches a small preschool class out of her home as well. She is brilliant!

I used the items in this pictures (hair gel from the Dollar Store, ziploc bags and gel food coloring) to make....

These sensory bags! Maddie LOVES her "colors" as she calls them. We've even had to take them out to eat with us before. She makes for a great tester of my ideas....this one was a big thumbs up!

Today, I used these items (tempera paint in different colors, empty small water bottles, makeup sponges and rubber bands) to make.....

These paint dabbers (similar to bingo dobbers)! This is MUCH cheaper than buying them in the store. I just mix paint with water to thin it out, take the lid off, use rubber bands to hold the makeup sponge onto the bottle opening, squeeze it a big to get the paint started and the kids just start dabbing away! Maddie also tested these for me and I'm glad she did b/c some of the colors needed some extra paint added to them to make them brighter, but she loved them!

Here is my home-made Circle Time chart! This chart saved me about $180 - there were 3 or 4 different ones at a school supply store that I loved, but I couldn't afford to buy them all. Instead, I picked from each of them what I loved best, bought a big square of flannel material and marked out the sections I wanted and used a permanent marker to draw/write it all out. I then printed off and laminated (with my new laminating machine which I LOVE) all the chart pieces I would need. So now we can talk about what "today" is (month, day, year), come yesterday vs. today vs. tomorrow (i.e. - Yesterday was Monday, Today is Tuesday, Tomorrow will be Wednesday), the weather and what clothing items we should wear based on the weather that day, the color/shape of the month and what letter of the alphabet we're focusing on that week (i.e. - All About Bb!), an area for practicing writing that letter and an open space to put up pictures of items that begin with that letter. This will be an important part of our every day!

A quick picture of all the laminated pieces we'll be using on our Circle Time chart. I plan to stick velcro hook "coins" on the back of each one so that they'll stick right to the flannel.

This is an awesome chart my mom gave me for Christmas! I'll take a picture of each child on the first day of school and put them at the bottom in the "At Home" area and every day as the children arrive for school they will find their name/picture and put it up in the "At School" area. This will help with name recognition as their name will be printed underneath their pictures! Fun!!

Our Math Bags! Every week the kiddo's will take home a little math bag and with their parent's help they will find five of any item around their home (i.e. - coins, rocks, lids, etc.) and bring them back on their next class day. We will then sort them into the blue baskets, count them and graph them!

Here is one side of our easle - I just put the magnetic paint on it today and plan to put the chalkboard paint on top of it tomorrow to make it a magnetic chalkboard!

Here is my supermodel showing the other side of the easel that will have dry-erase paint on it to make it a dry-erase board.  :)

A little welcome poster by the front door and then an attendance chart below. The children will put a little stick by there name at the end of every day and on the last day of class for the week, they can pick a little "prize" from our Treasure Chest!

Well, who is this cute little girl (with her goofy brother behind her)?

A picture of our Circle Time area! I had Travis cut all of my rug pieces in half so that they're not so big for their little fanny's and we can all fit in this area better.

Our cozy reading corner! I have so many great books and I plan to have books that pertain to our topic that week on the racks available for the children to read/look through.

Journals! The 3-day/week class will keep a daily journal so that we can see as the school year progresses how they are improving with the drawing/writing skills. I'm sure it'll be awesome to compare the first few days of school entries to those they do at the end of the school year!

My home-made graph! I bought one of those window shades that rolls up/down and drew some lines on it to make a re-usable graph. This way when we graph our weekly math bag items (or anything else), I don't have to make a new graph each time! I think I'm going to use some of the dry-erase paint on a bunch of notecards so that I can stick them on the graph and use them over and over again.

A box! YAY! Actually, this box has a coffee table in it (a cheap one of course) that Travis is going to put together and then cut (hopefully) two holes in the top of so that I can set a couple of white wash tubs into to use as my sensory table. Sensory tables are SUPER fun so I know this will be a popular spot!

So much fun stuff planned! I'll be sure to post more pictures or videos as the progress continues.  :)

It took me forever to get these pictures loaded so I think I'll head to bed now. The appraiser is coming tomorrow to appraise the house now that the addition is pretty much complete. Oh and tomorrow is Patrick's 10th birthday so an early Happy Birthday to him!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Darn dentist!

Sooooo.....the kids and I got our teeth cleaned yesterday.  Kiegan - who in my opinion doesn't brush his teeth NEAR as well as I think he should - went first and came out with zero cavities. He was sort of bummed to learn that he still has two baby teeth (molars) to lose before he can get braces.  Yes, the ding-dong WANTS braces! I decided to go second to get it done and over with. Maddie wanted to watch so Lexi came back into the room with her and they sat in the chair next to me and watched.  Thankfully, I have zero cavities BUT I have stress fractures in my teeth from clinching them when I'm stressed out. You think I can sue those daycare parents that were so nasty to me and DCFS for causing me so much stress that I ended up cracking my teeth?!  No????  Darn......  So that's what I'm dealing with right now. BOO. Lexi had her teeth cleaned after me and she also had zero cavities, but her gums are pretty sensitive from having braces so she has to do warm salt water rinses and floss more to toughen her gums up.  Last but not least it was Maddie's turn! This was her second time getting her teeth cleaned and I wasn't real convinced that she'd be cooperative because...well....she was just being uncooperative that day as it was!  She surprised the heck out of all of us by hopping right up in that chair, holding her hand out to me to hold it and letting Nancee not only clean her teeth but polish them as well (something she didn't let happen the first time)! I was SO glad!! Nancee said that she probably had the most well polished teeth she's seen on any three-year old. I told her that I was pretty sure it was because the girl brushes her teeth multiple times a day. Maddie even let Dr. Handler come in and check things over without a fuss and walked out with a new Spongebob Squarepants toothbrush!  Overall, it was a cavity-free appointment but I'm the lucky winner of some fabulous stress fractures.  Yay. I haven't had any work done since 2005 so I'm bummed.  :o(  The funny thing is that now that I know I have cracked teeth, I'm extremely cautious about things. I think I slept with my mouth hanging open the entire night last night because I know for a fact that I have a habit of lying awake in bed, stressing about things and then falling asleep with my jaw clinched shut. So my throat was REALLY dry this morning!

I received yet another phone call tonight from a parent wanting to be put on my waiting list for fall classes. SO EXCITING!!  I also finally have quite a few of the items I needed to make a bunch of stuff for the preschool so I will be busy tomorrow! I was able to make my flannel board tonight so that's checked off the list. I also received a text message that the coffee table I ordered from Walmart is ready for pick-up. It was just over $20 and Travis is going to cut (hopefully) two holes in it for me to put a couple of buckets in to use as a sensory table. I was planning on bringing my sand/water table in to use, but it's SO big! This coffee table sits nice and low and is a good size for a couple of kids to play at. I have a LIST of different sensory tubs that I plan to use in it to go with our different themes/holidays. I'm sure it'll be a favorite play spot! I'm still waiting for my laminator to arrive - once I get a bunch of stuff laminated, I can put them up on the wall and the room will really start to come together. By the end of the day tomorrow, I'm hoping to have LOTS checked off my list! Cross your fingers that a certain little girl is cooperative!!

Till next time!  :o)

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I love feeling inspired! Sometimes I'm inspired by certain things that I read, see or hear or simply by things that others do.

This past Sunday, I was inspired by Pastor Donna's sermon at church. She was talking about how God doesn't require us to pass some sort of "test" in order to be a follower - he simply wants us to be open-minded to what it is that he's preaching. We all make mistakes, we're all out there "searching" at one time or another in our lives and our job is to be the best person we can be! God doesn't expect perfection from us - he just expects us to give him our best. I feel like I need something to hang on a wall in every room of my house reminding me to "be the best person you can be". It's so easy to fall into that hole of negativity where I'm judging everything and everyone or letting the smallest things make me angry. I don't like being like that!  Tonight, for example, Travis gets home and asks me why I'm so grumpy. I just flat out told him that I didn't have a reason to be grumpy.  I just was! How silly is that? That's certainly not being the best person I can be. So I somehow need a constant reminder to be the best person I can be or basically to be more like my mom - she is always being the best person she could be, in my opinion!

Another moment of inspiration has to do with my preschool. I find myself getting very frustrated with the fact that I'm waiting on DCFS to give me the thumbs up. I also find myself still dwelling on the negative reactions I received from past daycare parents when I made my announcement (something I REALLY wish I could move past).  But when I stop and think about what it is that I'm building, the fantastic school that I'm going to be providing families, the fun learning that will be happening - I can't help but be inspired by myself! I also have to admit that receiving totally random phone calls or emails from people inquiring about my preschool is TOTALLY inspiring! That tells me that even though I'm unable to advertise right now, it's still getting talked about. That's definitely a good thing!! I've even started a waiting list for little ones that are not yet old enough to attend preschool but their parents want to make sure they get a spot for when they are - now that's a great feeling!!

Finally, I'm catching up on some blogs that I've lost track of for awhile. One in particular has always been enjoyable to read and I spent a good hour tonight just catching up on her life. She writes so effortlessly and with such ease that it makes reading her blog a true joy. I love how she can keep her blog entries focused on one main topic or at least make her seperate thoughts somehow tie back to that topic. Mine are always all over the place and more or less a re-cap of my day or the past few days. I suppose if I would write more regularly, then I'd be able to write about specific topics. This particular blog writer is also so very open and honest - she has no problems discussing her fears, her downfalls, things she wishes she were better at. I love that too. I struggle with those that are one way online (or on paper) and then act completely different in person or behind closed doors. Be true to yourself! Either people will love you or they won't - that's what I try to tell myself. I'm a natural people-pleaser so I struggle with being honest about my thoughts. I'm great at hiding what it is that I'm really thinking so that I don't get into an argument or tense conversation with someone. Plus Travis says that I talk too much and talk in circles when I'm trying to make my point! Darn now I'm always paranoid about that too and try to talk less and in triangles when in an argument. LOL - that was a totally dumb joke. Sorry.

Anyway - here's to what will hopefully not be my one and only blog posting that actually focused on ONE topic! I'm heading over to Pinterest (just a warning: it's addicting!) to see what else I can be inspired by....